Water lines

Took me a while to figure what kind of lines can astonish. I am pleasantly surprised to recall one such line – a Roman aqueduct in Segovia!

Gaudi-an lines

The most consistently rivuletine lines I have seen are those of Antoni Gaudí. His inspiration from, and mimicry of, mother nature is stupendous.

Arabian nights

So many crevices for Genie to hide. So many nooks and crannies for multiple genii to spring a surprise.

Memorable Moments

At the rate life buzzes and bustles us by, silent moments are extremely precious. Knowing smiles, or acknowledging smirks, speak so much of connection and how intimately one knows another.

Barrio Santa Cruz, Sevilla

Natural light played such an important role in the theatrics of our exploration. We wandered in the tiny dark lanes devoid of light, and then “surprise!” the sun lights up the very intricate facade of the corner house.

Sunrise on the mirror

In front of his bed hung a circular mirror, at the precise angle to capture the sunrise every morning through the eastern window!

Windows into a colourful soul

The windows altered the space. You may not see them, but they changed the natural light as it entered, and added colour and flavour to it. Exactly like the people and situations in our lives, isn’t it?

Wheel of Fortune rolls again

Indeed, there is a time for everything. Precisely as described by the Wheel of Fortune. Which is why it is so so so important to live in the present. Because the present really is a gift that life presents to us every single moment.